- Etheric Medicina
Making the decision to attend any ceremony is a large and impactful one. You're not just trusting somebody to hand you a plant substance - you're handing over your heart, your body, your energy, your comfort, your traumas and wounds, your safety. Choosing who to go to for this deserves discernment and intuition, and we need to make sure t
Making the decision to attend any ceremony is a large and impactful one. You're not just trusting somebody to hand you a plant substance - you're handing over your heart, your body, your energy, your comfort, your traumas and wounds, your safety. Choosing who to go to for this deserves discernment and intuition, and we need to make sure that we are a right fit for each other. Additionally, we want to ensure that you have all of the information that you feel you need to enter a ceremony in an educated and prepared way.
We include pre-ceremony consultations for everyone attending - or considering attending - one of our gatherings. During these phone calls, we will talk you through the general ceremony experience, educate you on the plant sacraments being served, listen to what your intentions are with seeking this kind of experience, gather pertinent medical information from you, and answer any questions that you may have.
Please note that pre-ceremony consultations are not intended to be spaces of "work" or "processing." We ask that, in honor of our time and energy, you only schedule a consultation with us if you are seriously interested in attending one of our gatherings and are wanting to determine if our experiences are for you.
We also are available via text message following our consultation to answer other questions or concerns that may come up for you.
Depending on the specific gatherings that we have scheduled and the plant sacraments that will be served at them, our experiences can consist of one, two, or three days/nights. Generally speaking, Grandmother ceremonies are going to take place on Friday and Saturday nights, with our final integration circle taking place on Sunday morning.
Depending on the specific gatherings that we have scheduled and the plant sacraments that will be served at them, our experiences can consist of one, two, or three days/nights. Generally speaking, Grandmother ceremonies are going to take place on Friday and Saturday nights, with our final integration circle taking place on Sunday morning. Grandfather ceremonies (Heart of the Forest) are usually facilitated in outdoor camping experiences that unfold over the course of three days. On occasion, there will be an offering of a one-day Grandfather or one-night Grandmother experience, as well as other community-style one-night gatherings.
The investment for our gatherings includes all sacraments provided, a place to sleep (either community-style or camping, depending on the type of ceremony), post-ceremony meals (and breakfasts, when noted), consultations before ceremony and support following ceremony, as well as at least one integrative sharing circle during the gathering. Some experiences come with other provisions - please see those individually on their own pages.
Our ceremonies are facilitated by studied, trained, educated, and talented ceremonialists, medicine people, musicians, and caretakers. All of us have put many years of work and dedication into our practices, and our relationships with the plant teachers that we serve take priority in our lives. We bring myriad types of training into cohesion, creating a beautiful alchemy of both tradition and personally curated ceremonial experiences.
We always tell people: "Ceremony begins when ceremony ends," and this is a foundational principle that we live by. The ceremony in of itself is an incredible, profound, cathartic, magickal experience - but retaining what is gained through that experience comes through the active practice of integration.
To integrate - a verb, requiring act
We always tell people: "Ceremony begins when ceremony ends," and this is a foundational principle that we live by. The ceremony in of itself is an incredible, profound, cathartic, magickal experience - but retaining what is gained through that experience comes through the active practice of integration.
To integrate - a verb, requiring action - from ceremony is to take as much as you can from it and apply it in your everyday life somehow. It is to literally act on the revelations, memories, emotions, awarenesses, and teachings that were brought to you and do something with them all.
For example, one may receive the epiphany in ceremony that they are suffering from a past trauma that requires forgiveness. But how is forgiveness woven into their life? What actions are necessary to obtain that? What conscious practices are shaped around forgiveness in order to make it a constant in someone's experience?
This is why we offer post-ceremony integration support in the form of personal and private phone calls, and group Zoom meetings. Every attendee has the opportunity to schedule at least one private call with Etheric following ceremony, and if deeper personal integrative support is needed, that can be arranged as well. The team will also schedule Zoom integration meetings after taking polls with the attendees to see when best fits into everyone's schedules.
Working with Grandfather Huachuma/San Pedro is a beautiful and unique process. While many different types of plant sacrament ceremonies are facilitated indoors during the dark of night, Grandfather is traditionally served outdoors during the daytime. This type of ceremony is uplifting and bright, with the elements and nature guiding the entirety of the experience. This master plant teacher focuses on the Heart and Solar Plexus Chakras, helping us to release stagnated emotions, dissolve self-deprecating thoughts & beliefs, and step into self-empowerment & esteem. Grandfather's process is generally much lighter and more euphoric than that of other entheogenic sacraments, and his story is told through our connection to the plants and animals of the land around us. The level of profundity, impact, healing, and epiphany that Huachuma comes with, though, is equivalent to that of the more well-known plant medicines like Grandmother. The Grandfather brings visions of clarity, divine knowing in the form of epiphany, revelatory self-honesty, and an inspired desire to relate and connect with other people in deeply heart-centered ways. The format of ceremony that I have curated with Grandfather ceremonies is entirely unique, and provides 360-degrees of ritualized ceremony over the course of twelve hours.
Guiding us through realms of shadow and the unknown, Grandmother Ayahuasca places us in the depths of our psyche so that we may know our hidden parts. Traditionally facilitated at nighttime, this ceremony is held in a cocoon of candlelight and powerful musical prayers. When we sit with Grandmother, we sit with our hidden corners, our blind spots, our fears, our wounds, our traumas, our wrongdoings, and the brilliance that exists beneath all of that. The Grandmother is a powerful cleanser, pulling dense emotions, stagnant energy, sickness and disease, and unhealthy substances out of our nervous systems to be purged. Every experience with this plant master is different, and we never know what we are going to get when we commune with her. What we do know, though, is that the spirit of this sacrament is going to show us aspects of ourselves that we have never known, avoid looking at, and don't even believe exist. Multifaceted, multilayered, and beyond rational comprehension, the Grandmother brings epiphany and truth in a giftbox clothed in multidimensional wrapping paper.
Rapé (pronounced "ha-pay") is a powerful plant medicine that comes from the Amazon basin and has been prepared and served by Shamans and Medicine People for thousands of years. Served through a bone, bamboo, or wooden pipe (a Tepi for serving others, and a Kuripe for serving oneself), Rapé is blown up the nose, into each nostril; it is k
Rapé (pronounced "ha-pay") is a powerful plant medicine that comes from the Amazon basin and has been prepared and served by Shamans and Medicine People for thousands of years. Served through a bone, bamboo, or wooden pipe (a Tepi for serving others, and a Kuripe for serving oneself), Rapé is blown up the nose, into each nostril; it is known as a shamanic snuff. This style of energy work is called "Soplada," which is the transfer of healing or life force energy through the breath - a beautiful ceremonial practice that in many cultures is believed to carry a piece of the Shaman's spirit through the breath into the person receiving the medicine.
A grounding force, Rapé brings us into our center, hones us in on the present moment, and aids our physical, mental, emotional, and etheric bodies in realigning. Rapé clears our energetic field, releases stagnated, dense, and unwanted energies, decongests our airways, unblocks trapped emotions, treats physical dis-ease, and is also known to decalicfy the pineal gland, "which is involved in melatonin secretion, circadian time perception, and the function of the immune system." There are TONS of uses for Rapé, over a wide variety of categories.
The main ingredient used in making Rapé is tobacco - specifically Nicotiana Rustica, also called Mapacho, or Arapiraca tobacco. Tobacco is used in Shamanic ceremonies, rituals, and arts, as a teacher, protector, and healer. This is much unlike the Western use of tobacco in cigarettes on anxiety-ridden lunch breaks and chain-smoking addictions. This finely-ground tobacco is mixed with many combinations of the ashes of different sacred and medicinal trees to produce a myriad of effects. There are several different types of Rapé using varying tree ashes, shrubs, leaves, and flowers, all blended with unique intentions for use. This medicine is utilized for a plethora of physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual ailments, blockages, and purposes, and it is served both by itself, and in conjunction with other plant medicines.
Sananga is crafted from the roots of the Tabernaemontana sananho (or undulata) shrub, which grows in the Amazon rainforest. This plant sacrament is served in the form of an eyedrop, applied to both eyes. Utilized for many purposes spanning a range of physical, emotional, mental, energetic, and spiritual intentions, Sananga has many potent
Sananga is crafted from the roots of the Tabernaemontana sananho (or undulata) shrub, which grows in the Amazon rainforest. This plant sacrament is served in the form of an eyedrop, applied to both eyes. Utilized for many purposes spanning a range of physical, emotional, mental, energetic, and spiritual intentions, Sananga has many potent benefits.
Traditionally, Sananga used to primarily be utilized for a few specific things: sharpening vision - especially in the dark, releasing fear and anxiety from the body, and creating a clear connection to one's intuition and inner "vision." Many generations ago, Sananga was brought in most often to administer to hunters before they went out on their hunts. The Sananga would prepare them to be out in the wilderness by releasing apprehension and fear, calming their nervous systems, sharpening both their daytime and nighttime vision, and helping them to intuitively know where their prey would be found. Sananga was also utilized by tribe leaders to help bring visions and awareness of any potential dangers coming their way, such as harsh weather systems that could destroy crops and invaders that would bring war and disharmony,
Sananga is known as an indigenous all-purpose remedy, having a wide range of uses and effects - especially with very physical ailments and afflictions. Other than the benefits that it brings to the physical eyes, this sacrament is used to treat skin illnesses, counteract snake bites and poisoning, suppress appetite, and bring relief to dental issues. Additionally, the testing of all of the plants in this family has shown that each shrub carries active microbial activity, revealing strong antioxidant, anticancer, antifertility/contraceptive, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, anti-mycobacterial, and antimicrobial effects.
When it comes to the physical eyes, Sananga has a reputation for being indicated in the healing of many eye ailments.
Cacao is the natural form of chocolate before it is adulterated. It comes in the fruit that is shown in the picture two photos below and is taken through an ancient process that can involve hand-peeling, fermenting, and roasting the Cacao beans, to then rolling them out with a rolling pin to create a paste. This paste is then formed into
Cacao is the natural form of chocolate before it is adulterated. It comes in the fruit that is shown in the picture two photos below and is taken through an ancient process that can involve hand-peeling, fermenting, and roasting the Cacao beans, to then rolling them out with a rolling pin to create a paste. This paste is then formed into a block in which it solidifies. When we prepare Cacao to be served, we most commonly craft a hot beverage out of it - which is where modern civilizations got the idea of "hot chocolate."
Traditionally, Cacao is served in sacred ceremony as a plant medicine/sacrament. It has been utilized for thousands of years for all types of physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual wellness & healing, and is generally called upon for heart-healing. I learned a story in my studies years ago that told of an ancient legend/prophecy of Cacao and its purpose on Earth. It stated that Cacao is here to unify the hearts of all of mankind. That when the tribes of people are all separated and torn, Cacao will travel the world to bring healing, wholeness, and unification through the unlocking of unconditional love. I believe that is the time we are in now.
Cacao ceremonies can be facilitated in a number of ways ranging from the practices of traditional indigenous lineages to more contemporary formats framed around a facilitator's intention. Ancient Mayan texts described the cacao ceremony to be “heart opening," and modern research shows that the active ingredient in Cacao - theobromine - is able to widen the blood vessels and specifically stimulates the heart. But this is only the scientific explanation of a deeply spiritual inward journey.
Opening up emotional availability, softening our hearts, and inviting us into a connected space of vulnerable authenticity, Cacao is a sacrament of comfort, love, connection, and openness. Mildly euphoric, it helps us to be with ourselves and our deepest emotions while simultaneously holding a space of joy, excitement, and play. It helps us to meet ourselves in a very honest and receptive way, creating space for a level of introspection and self-discovery that we might not otherwise choose into.
Cacao is incredibly beneficial on a nutritional level as well. It is referred to as a "superfood," because of it being a rich source of antioxidants, fat, carbohydrates, protein, polyphenols like flavanoids (that are antioxidants), minerals like calcium, magnesium, sulfur, copper, iron, zinc and potassium, oleic acid which is a heart-healthy essential monounsaturated fat, fiber and vitamins E, B2, B1, B5, B3 and B9. Cacao is indicated in the lowering of blood pressure, inflammation reduction, heart and cardiac system health, and much more.
Native to Egypt and parts of Asia, this beautiful flower has been used for thousands of years for spiritual, physical, emotional, and mental purposes. A gentle psychoactive that acts as dopamine agonist, Blue Lotus activates feelings of euphoria, and quells anxiety. Used to make teas, smoking blends, and tinctures, it has been known to op
Native to Egypt and parts of Asia, this beautiful flower has been used for thousands of years for spiritual, physical, emotional, and mental purposes. A gentle psychoactive that acts as dopamine agonist, Blue Lotus activates feelings of euphoria, and quells anxiety. Used to make teas, smoking blends, and tinctures, it has been known to open up the mindspace in order to connect with intuition & psychic gifts, and take us on visionary meditations.
Known for its ability to open spaces of lucid dreaming, this beautiful flower brings awareness to the unconscious. Taken before bed, it will help us to be "awake" in our dream spaces so that we can navigate them consciously and remember them when we wake up. Blue Lotus is also wonderful for helping us to sleep in general! It is recommended if you have trouble falling and staying asleep.
Blue Lotus also has anesthetic and even muscle-relaxing properties! Say bye-bye to tension, soreness, pain, and discomfort when communing with this lovely flower!
Oil from the flower can be used to massage directly into your skin, releasing tight muscles and lessening pain. Blue Lotus (and specifically the compound Apomorphine that it contains) has even been indicated in the treatment of Parkinson’s Disease. More recent studies of Blue Lotus even suggest that it may also benefit conditions such as neuropathic pain, fibromyalgia, and depression.
Blue Lotus is used around the world as a substitute for cannabis, because of the similar psychoactive and physical effects that they have. I personally compare Blue Lotus to CBD. While it isn't completely mind-altering (for me), it brings a release of tension and increases joy, all while opening up my mental body to ideas and downloads.
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